
11:44:00 The Lanky Runner 0 Comments

If you're reading this, you've either stumbled upon it, or cleverly followed a link you saw somewhere, probably posted by myself in an attempt to get you to read this.

Either way, great success!

This blog is, first and foremost, a running blog. It's a relaxed but detailed account of running in on the South Coast of England, namely Portsmouth, Southampton, The New Forest, and Bournemouth. I'll be adding new routes as I run them, detailing the course, the terrain, the highlights, the difficulty levels, and any other aspects I can think of which make these runs special, and why you should get out and try them.

The second element of this blog is to show off some of the natural beauty found along the south coast, which you may have never known even existed. Each route will show one photo highlighting the character of the route, be it a crowded urban street, seaside pathway, or hidden forest trail. All routes are obviously accessible by foot, and a further reason for you to have little excuse to not go out and get amongst it, exploring the area around you.

For those readers further afield, this blog will also include numerous pages detailing other aspects of running, such as techniques for improving your stamina, pace, posture, motivation, and heart rate.

To get started, have a read of my first page: Who is The Lanky Runner?